Sometimes it seems the plants you want are struggling, and those you don’t are thriving. I’ve learned some important lessons about planting mindfully…
What lies below…
While removing Privet and Honeysuckle, I ran into this beast. Unless herbicide is used to kill the entire plant, plan on a heavy work session to remove all roots. Invasives are REPRODUCTIVE! Seedlings are attached to the root, creating a blanket that strangles other species. I’ve been a lifelong enemy of herbicides, but am learning that they can be used properly, applied to individual plants, without danger to the bugs we need. They may be needed in this case, we’ll check back to see if seedlings appear next year. This root actually may be holding the street in place…
When digging the big ones, be sure to know the location of your utility lines.
I’m cringing, thinking this may be invasive Honeysuckle. A few more weeks and there will be leaves and flowers for more accurate identification. (I’m stalling. It’s really difficult to take this much vegetation out, knowing it will be some time before it is green again. Especially when the most invasive species are so attractive.)