Iris in the Wetlands. Will wait with hope that they are Blue! (ID’d Blue Star Iris by an app.)
One of my favorite areas, patiently awaiting Multi-Flora Rose removal.
Grass identifies as Panicled Sedge – may also be a Carex. I will watch for flowers.
Non-Native/Native Mix in the yard is starting to green up! Outside the fence is now in maintenance mode. All large Honeysuckle, Privet, Burning Bush and junk have been removed. Section 1 has been seeded with Native Custom mix, Section 2 is in year 2 of Native species that will lend seeds for woods plantings, Section 3 is seeded with Annual cover Cosmos and Zinnias to lighten up the Clearweed and shade-out other invasive species before planting.
Cosmos and Zinnias have worked very well. There have been no volunteers over a 5 year period of planting them, animals do not eat them, they create a strong shade cover and the stalks make great cover during winter. They are also very easy to rake up. Plus: Butterflies!