This area will be filled with Native Grasses over the next 2 years. The first seedings was overtaken by Kentucky Bluegrass after Bobcat Drivers thinned Walnut trees.
In this area, the Kentucky Bluegrass thatch was too thick to cut. We lightly tilled, leaving topsoil. I expect Kentucky Bluegrass to return, but will monitor several times a year. The area was surrounded with string – 2 layers – to deter deer. Once the Native plants bloom and go to seed, I will open the area to deer so they can munch it down for Fall and spread the seed. This method worked in the first planted area; as I found new seedlings in several spots through the woods.
Next to the plantings will be Native Switchgrass, Grama Grass, Indian Grass, Big Bluestem and Little Bluestem to provide deer cover and aid erosion.